Monday, February 01, 2016

From Breakwater to Breakwater!

It was a 50+ degree day to end January so I decided to go for a late afternoon ride around Cape Ann. Not having a theme in my mind, my first stop was on T-Wharf in Rockport to see if any photo ops presented itself. After T-Wharf I headed to Lanesville a small village which is part of Gloucester. During that ride the theme hit me. After talking a couple of shots there I figured I had just enough time to catch the sunset on Eastern Point off the Dog Bar Breakwater.

Rockport Harbor Breakwater.
 Flights ops over Motif #1.
 Coming in for a landing!
 Birds atop the Motif.
 Another view.
 "Bugs, Sweat & Beer"
 Climbing on the marker!
 Lanes Cove
 The new/old fish shack!
 Dog Bar Breakwater
 Cloud slices through the sun!
 Eastern Point Light
 Getting ready for a long walk!
 The end of the Breakwater.
 Looking back 2250' !
 Looking through the supports.
Deep Blue!
 The sun meets the horizon.

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