Monday, November 23, 2015

From City Hall to Good Harbor Beach!

There is a moving tribute to Cape Ann's living WWII vets at City Hall by photographer Jason Grow. Stop in during City Hall's open times this month and it may run through December.

Also images from the past week.

City Hall auditorium
 City Hall
 A closer look at the tower.
 Cod weather vane!
 St. Ann's Steeple rises above the neighborhood.
 Just installed plaque at the New Balance Track & Field at Newell Stadium.
 A rowdy wet "crowd"!
 Lumber shed at the Building Center.
 Heading in.
 175' USCG Buoy Tender Marcus Hanna.
 Another view
 Thacher Island and the texture of Good Harbor Beach.
 From the tree.
 Moon rises above the beach.
 Under the footbridge and under the moon!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Jay.
    Lynda in Michigan

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Lynda!
