Monday, September 21, 2015

More On the Water!

In past Gloucester Schooner Festivals I've taken as many as 400 pictures and most of the time while navigating my boat through the hundreds of spectator vessels of all types shapes and sizes. The last two years I left the navigation to my nephew Seth while I concentrate on taking pictures. I actually take less pictures, 200 this year. I suppose it's due with experience knowing what I'm looking for and how the light interacts with the subject.

USS Fort McHenry
 A wave to the camera!
 Paddle boarders dwarfed by the bow!
 "American Eagle" framed by the chain.
 "American Eagle" hoists the main.
 White hulled schooners.
 "Mystic" follows "Roseway".
 "Thomas E. Lannon"
 Masts and wind turbines.
 "Sugar Babe"
 "Roseway" passes The Fort.
 Lots of boats.
 High view from the "Lily".
 "Hearts Desire"
 Pinky schooners "Fame" and "Ardelle".
 Dog on board!
 "Columbia" passing in front of "American Eagle".
 "Lattie G. Howard" passes astern of the "Columbia".
 "Columbia" heads towards the USS Fort McHenry.
 Back lit "Columbia".
 A schooner jam!
 Heading back to the ramp, note the large hole in the Stacy Boulevard seawall!

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