Monday, August 17, 2015

Rainbows, Lightning and a Stanley Cup!

I have a sometimes boring yet interesting part time job with a long name, "New Balance Track and Field at Newell Stadium Supervisor". I've seen people from around the world running or walking the track or playing soccer, lacrosse, field hockey and football. All types of boats go by in the canal  and on trailers going to and from the Dun Fudgin boat ramp behind the high school. But most interesting is the weather, luckily I get great WiFi connections for my tablet and can see the latest radar images. The sky out west was starting to boil and I had a clear view from the top of the bleachers to see a T-storm roll in.

Earlier in the week my nephew Cody who turned my shed into his workshop was putting on the finishing touches on his version of the Stanley Cup. This cup is for his friend's wedding, a big Boston Bruins fan. The cup features a slot for wedding gift envelopes.

Clear skies!
 How many football stadiums have a view of the schooner "Ardelle" going by?
Lot of boats!
 Building clouds over Gloucester High School!
 At this point I can hear distant rumbles of thunder.
 Now I can see the lightning!
 As I'm heading to the safety of my truck I caught this bolt upper right!
 The storm has passed so I return to the bleachers and catch this!
 I head onto the field to anticipate a rainbow but catch this!
 Finally the rainbow.
 I move back to try to catch both ends of the rainbow and a surprise!
 Cody working on The Cup.
 The Cup (Note the envelope slot)
 Cody with The Cup as my dog Allie photo bombs the picture!
 Raising The Cup!
 There goes The Cup!

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