Monday, June 01, 2015

The Weather, Here and Out of This World!

The weather always can be interesting, you can get the best weather forecast yet you never know what it will look like. Here a rare "Shelf Cloud" swept over Cape Ann then about an hour later I checked out Good Harbor Beach as dusk was taking hold. Also some more "rescued" images and finally the International Space Station!

"Rescued" image of Good Harbor Beach in the fog!
 Only the top of Salt Island visible.
 A lone walker.
 Sunset adds pastel color to clouds and fog.
 Wind turbine above the fog!
 A pastel beach!
 Red Tailed Hawk takes flight.
 Soaring over my yard.
 Storm front approaches Gloucester.
 A lone gull under the storm!
 Shelf cloud extends south west.
 Looking north east.
 Rowing towards the Paint Factory.
 Fog + Paint Factory + Dory = Gloucester!
 Gigs row by.
 A foggy perch!
 Fun and games at Good Harbor Beach!
 Another view.
 Walking over the footbridge.
 Dusk approaches.
 Flowers and "The House"!
 Saturday I got word that the International Space Station would be flying overhead at 3:37 am so being at work I headed to the roof. Here the indoor water park Coco Key with the old Danvers State Hospital in the background.
 Here it is after I enlarged the image and made it as sharp as possible. I was hoping to make a video but as soon as I made the adjustments the haze obscured it.( click on the image to enlarge)

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