Monday, February 24, 2014

Snow, Sails and Marshland!

Another week with snow but at least we had a bit of everything with rain and warm(er) temps thrown in. This post I added a Gloucester welcome for the tall ship Picton Castle from July 2009.

Old Man Winter's grip!
 Nature's cross!
 "Gateway Endeavor" welcomes the "Picton Castle".
 "Picton Castle" escorted by "Thomas E. Lannon".
 Under full sail!
 Entering the harbor.
 A little sailboat between the tall ships.
 Passing the Paint Factory.
 Stone Pier
 A rocky road.
 A canoe.
 Gulls on a sand spit.
 Upside down
 Three boats.
 A. Piatt Andrew Bridge
 Jones Creek at dusk.

Monday, February 17, 2014

29 Days Till Spring!

The meteorologists had it wrong! Most said we'd get hit with a blizzard and 12+ inches of snow. Well we did get snow and wind but the average snow fall in my yard was 5 inches. The timing was bad for me, I had to drive to work in the middle of the so called blizzard. Instead of taking the highway I choose to leave about an hour and a half early and take the shore route. It was messy and the drive averaged about 20 mph but I made it on time with time to spare. Crews along the North Shore did a great job and for the most part the roads were clear for my ride home. I decided to go home the same route and see what photo ops I could come upon. But I start below with a few shots from the week.

 Rose's Marine
 Salt and Thacher Islands
 A Good Harbor Beach walk.
 Pride's Crossing depot.
 Beverly Farms depot
Farm in Manchester by the Sea
 Western Avenue
 Snowman atop Tablet Rock!
 Stage Fort Park
 Snowy lanscape
 Gentile Bandstand
 "Man at the Wheel"
 Fishermen's Memorial

Monday, February 10, 2014

The days are longer and the snow is deeper!

The snow continues, it's becoming an expected weekly event this winter. There's no sense to complain, just take it in with stride then welcome Spring......if it arrives!

Eastern Point Light
 Harbor Cove
 Commuter train heads north.
 Annisquam Bridge
 Wind whipped snow at Stage Fort Park.
 The shack at Dun Fudgin.
 Main Street
 Sand dunes and snow at Good Harbor Beach.
 Dog Bar Breakwater
 Wave watching on the Breakwater.
 Bow sprit and City Hall.
 Stacy Boulevard
 Gull on the rail.

 Fishermen's Memorial
 Sporting a winter coat!

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Surprise! More Snow!

I shouldn't be surprised, we shouldn't be surprised by another snow storm. After all it is winter and it snows during winter. But what gets me is all the hoopla you see on TV when it snows. You would think the weather people and reporters think the end of the world is near! One thing I've learned through the years is to stay off highways when it's snowing. Not because I can't drive in it, actually I don't mind at all. But what I do mind are the idiots that have no clue on how to drive in the snow! Just because some have 4WD they think fast is good. I see more SUV's and other 4WD vehicles in spin outs and accidents than I do 2WD vehicles, and by a wide margin! Maybe those are weather people and reporters and their rants of gloom and doom comes from their snow driving skills....or lack of!

Anyhow while at work I saw the first snowflake at 5:30 am, about 15 minutes later the roads were covered. Lucky for me my relief came in one hour early and I hit the road at 7:00am. By then at least 4" of snow was on the ground and coming down fast and furious. Instead of taking the highway I slowly traveled along route 127 along the coast for a relaxing ride home.

Beverly Farms train depot.

State worker shovels the Blynman Bridge.

 Plow along the Boulevard.
 Western Avenue
 The stairs of Herrick Court.
 Snowing seagulls at the Fitz Henry Lane House!
 My flash highlights the snowflakes.
 Good Harbor Beach.
 "The House"
 A snowman appeared in my yard!