Thursday, November 28, 2013

New Trophy For A Tradition!

Back in the summer of 1982 a new head football coach hired me as an assistant coach. That year Fran York guided the Hornets to a perfect season 11-0 and state Superbowl Champions! For years Georgetown and Manchester/Essex played their final game of the season on the Saturday before Thanksgiving and Coach York had always relished the thought of moving the game to Turkey Day. Through his efforts it was in 1991 and a new tradition was born. And finally this year a trophy was created in Coach York's honor along with Eric DiMaio who was a two year captain for the Georgetown Royals. DiMaio a 1983 graduate of Georgetown High School had been a long time Royal supporter and passed away at age 42 in 2007. This year the Hornets won the trophy by a score of 38-25 in a hard fought game played on a "cow pasture" of a field. The field conditions in Georgetown were muddy despite the cold temps, a bright sun made sure of that. Next year I've been told a new artificial field will be installed! 

Check out the crooked painted yard line!
 Hornets score!
 Loose ball!
 Mud slippage!
 Face mask!
Wide open!
 Ball in the air, prime for an interception!
 Picked off!
 Pick Six!
 Hands up!
 Xtra point attempt.
 Former Hornet head coaches Dick Ananian and Fran York
 Fran York with his grand daughters and son Barry.
 The DiMaio family
 Coach York brings out the trophy.
 Coach York with his former player and now Hornets Head Coach Mike Athanas.
 Coach York addresses the team.
 Raising the trophy!
 Team picture time.
 Perhaps the last muddy game played in Georgetown!
 Final score.
Season is over!


  1. CoachMcCoy559:09 PM

    The First Thanksgiving game between Manchester and Georgetown was the fall of 1990 Manchester-31 G-Town-13
    played my members of the class of 1991.

  2. Actually I believe we played our 1st Thanksgiving game against Holbrook in the pouring rain there in 1990. It was the muddiest game I ever remembered. The team went into the showers at halftime in full uniform to wash off the mud!
