Monday, September 23, 2013

East Gloucester's Maxwell Parsons Playground!

Maxwell Parsons Playground behind the East Gloucester Elementary school was a gift to the city for the children of East Gloucester. It's been in place as a playground since 1937, before that a cow pasture then a gravel pit. The playground was named in honor of Lieut. Arthur Maxwell Parsons a member of the US Army Flying Corp who died during WWI in an air crash. In 1948 the school was built and over the years new class rooms were added. Parking and traffic had become an issue with the increase enrollment and additional staff. A solution was a new parking lot in a small corner of the playground, doing so the memorial plaque was framed by the parking lot and dumpsters! Now in a new more prominent location the local Girl Scout Brownie Troop under the leadership of Gloria Parsons have "adopted" the memorial to care for its landscaping. Monday afternoon the troop re-dedicated the memorial.....Well done girls!

Old location
 Honor Guard
 Pledge of Allegiance
 Girl Scout oath.
 Reading about Maxwell Parsons.
 Troop surrounds the memorial.
 New location
 The plaque

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