Monday, July 22, 2013

Domestic & Wild Residents!

This summer a Red Tail Hawk has taken up residence in a nearby pine tree. As the days go by the hawk is becoming bold, while in the yard the hawk swooped so low over me it almost took my hat off! Several days ago Allie started barking in the yard, as I checked on her the hawk was sitting on a branch only about 12'-15' above her and didn't flinch even when I stood just below! Just after I took the photo of Allie diving into the pool I head a loud "SNAP", as I looked up there was the hawk clutching a large branch. As if to show off it's strength, it swooped by me for a photo op!

1 comment:

  1. That is amazing! You don't think about being intimidated by a bird! Hope everyone can live in peace together. Wow!
