My internal clock is screwed up! I'm now working midnight to 8 am and was expected more time for photography. However I need some time to settle in and get better at managing my time. This post contains some recent images and some I took in 2009 that I rediscovered in my data base.
Wind Turbine in a light fog.
Repaired Good Harbor Beach footbridge.
Wide shot of Good Harbor Beach.
Building storm clouds.
High tide and breakers.
The end of a big swell!
Large breaked off Bass Rocks.
The fog moves in.
Schooner "Thomas E. Lannon" becalmed.
The seagulls are swimming faster!
Gull atop the Fishermen's Memorial!
Essex marsh
A picnic table with a view at Farnham's in Essex.
The sunset squeezes through storm clouds!
Sunset at Niles Beach.
Came by this blog by accident, I have forgotten just how many beautiful places we have on this Island and that we take for granted. Please keep the pictures coming as I enjoy them so !!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I took this place for granted too until I started taking pictures!