Thursday, July 05, 2012

Fireworks and Leftover Fiesta Images!

The wife said: "We are going out in the boat to see the fireworks and we are bringing the nieces and nephews"! No problem I thought, it would be a great evening on the water. She asked when should we leave the dock and I tell her no later than 8:30. That would give us enough time to get out there and anchor up for the 9:30 starting time. So with that I head to the boat at 8:00 to get it ready. It's 8:30 and I'm still alone at the boat! I call the wife and she said our guests are still watching the Horribles Parade going by their Washington St. home. At 9:00 my wife calls, she locked her keys in the house and is walking to the boat! At 9:10 she arrives but our guests are no where in sight! She calls her niece and they are stuck in parade traffic! At 9:20 they finally arrive, kids get their life jackets on and we are finally off. By the time we approach the Paint Factory the fireworks begin! "J's Escape" still waiting for a crew! Fireworks over The Fort! No Comment! Greasy Pole walkers head out. Two boats of walkers! Lobster boat "Allison Carol" with the sails of the schooner "Ardelle" in the background. "Ardelle" sails by flotilla. Crowds gather on the beach. Fake body builder fails! Joe leaps! Down goes "No Comment"!


  1. Anonymous12:21 PM

    We got back from Spain and arrived on Washington Street just to hear the grand finale.

  2. Well at least you probably beat the traffic!

  3. Love the fireworks images. We are supposed to have fireworks in our town on July 14. Hopefully they don't cancel them. Some fireworks on the 4th were canceled in our area because of the dry conditions.
    Lynda in Michigan.

  4. We did have our fireworks and they were great! Still very dry here in southwest lower Michigan.
    Lynda in Michigan.
