Saturday, April 09, 2011

Transitional Vistas!

It's that time of year between Spring and Summer that can bring interesting light combinations.

As I was taking the shot of the gull I saw a house on the move near the Paint Factory.

Yup that's a house heading to her mooring in the Annisquam River.

Here it is several summers ago on it's mooring.

"Capt. Mano" changing out nets.

Cripple Cove during sunset.
Again from a slightly different spot.

Hole in the morning sky!

Good Harbor Beach

The footbridge

The Creek


  1. Hee hee, I have to snicker about seeing the house on the move. I just think that's so funny. When I was on the Annisquam a couple years ago I couldn't help but marvel at all the houses. Very interesting indeed!

    Love the hole in the sky!

  2. The hole in the sky series is spectacular. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
