Friday, February 11, 2011

Shrimp....Native Shrimp !

Not to far off the coast dragger fishermen have changed their groundfish gear to go shrimp'n. While some of the fleet go after groundfish some changed over to save their quota of other species to target the shrimp.

Gloucester Seafood Display Auction dock.

Snow covered Americold dock.

"Capt. Novello" steams by.

45' long 20' beam built in 2001 "Foxy Lady" pulls up to the dock.


"Lady Jane" waits to unload.

45' long 19' beam built in 2009 "Underwing".

Hauling up shrimp.

More shrimp.

And more shrimp.


  1. OMG! where can I buy this shrimp?! I'm always looking for locally caught, not grown in a mangrove swamp in Thailand, shrimp!

  2. Most local Seafood stores carry Northern Shrimp. Intershell Seafood on Commercial St. has it and I'm sure Steve Connelly's on E. Main St. has it.
