Saturday, January 29, 2011

From January to April !

For this post we go from the present....cold snowy January and travel back in time to April of 2010. I could go back to summer but April just doesn't seem as far away in the future. Something to look forward to. Did I write that? Let's see....going into the past to see what may be in store for the future. OK...give me a break it's 2:33am!
The April shots are a little different from the images I posted back in April "10".

Clearing the Boulevard.


A view from my deck.

Harbor Cove

Paint Factory late afternoon.

"Razzo" and "Mary & Josephine"

April storm front.

April color burst!

Good Harbor Beach in April.


Gull passes rainbow.

April sunset

1 comment:

  1. Those color burst are gorgeous. But I like the red house, too!
