Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Senseless Act of Vandalism !

I'm breaking away from what I normally post to a senseless act of vandalism I stumbled upon while walking my dog. Destroying a public bench is bad enough but destroying one dedicated to our fallen heroes of the Iraq War just tugs at your heart. Gloucester has always supported our troops above and beyond many cities and towns. And many Gloucester citizens have taken up the call to duty. This act is a slap in the face to all those who have fallen and to those who serve today as well as all veterans. I would like to think our youth is a cut above the rest, many are but for that small minority who think vandalism is a fun thing to do. It is unfortunate that when who ever did this matures,they will have to live with what they did, and that it goes well beyond a few broken boards..... to broken hearts!

Parsons Playground plaque at the East Gloucester Elementary School.


  1. Unfortunately there will always be those few that have no respect. It's a shame.

    I was just reading about a cemetery up in Maine that had about 200 grave stones toppled. Most were historic, causing $30-40,000 in damage. You wonder what goes through these kids heads?

  2. Anonymous3:28 PM

    What a shame Jay, there's no excuse for that, I don't care if it was kids, we all were young once and we all know right from wrong !!!

    There will always be THAT kind that live amongst us.

    So sad.

  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I think if you go by there you'll see it was fixed by a concerned citizen.

    and all because he saw it right here on CAI
