Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Harbor Heats Up...Literally !

Dispite temperatures climbing towards the 100 degree mark, harbor work continues.
Below is a series of photos of a lobsterman loading bait on his boat. A colorful treat as far as the lobsters are concerned! The American Lobster(Homarus americanus) will eat almost anything dead.....including each other!

Lobsterman Toby aboard his lobster boat "Jupiter II" shows how to "bait up" his boat.

Organizing bait totes.

Climbing on his "mermaid" decorated transom.

Long climb up the ladder at low tide!

Toby digging into a vat of fish scraps!

Full pitchfork of Spiny dogfish(small shark) left overs.

Long plunge to the boat.

Toby needs to climb back down before the gulls devour his bait!

"Jupiter II" departs as a squadron of gulls follow!

Hauling up totes of fish.

"Bounty Hunter"

Hamming it up!


Schooner arrives.

Fishing vessel "Lisa Rose"

Captain John says hi!

Crewman and his mohawk!

Fishing vessel "Ryan Zachary" waits to offload.

Whale watch passengers see schooner.

City Hall sunset.

1 comment:

  1. So lively! Your pictures are always so interesting.
