Wednesday, April 07, 2010

It's All In The Light !

The light is what makes Cape Ann unique! Always changing the light makes what ever you look at something different from the last time you saw it.

Looking towards downtown from East Gloucester.

Lone sailboat.

"Jesse Boyce" bathed in the sunset's light.

Red shacks.

Still dockage.

Pastel sky.

Harbor twilight.

Harbor sunset.

The sun's last gasp!

Under the crane.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I know what you mean. We live on Lake Michigan and the sky changes are a work of Art.
    Oh, I just can't wait to get back Home this summer for vacation and come visit Gloucester! Sometimes I dream I live at Hammond Castle and I get to have great get togethers for my friends...Dream...being the operative word in this nocturnal scenario. =D
    Have a great rest of the week.
