Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A False Spring Day !

After a day away from the camera(I had a job interview out of town) it was time to check out the light on a day I call "False Spring". It felt spring like today with temps approaching 50 degrees along with the snow melt from the heavy rains yesterday.

Metal Shed!

Abandoned Cottage on Rocky Neck!

"No Cash....No Splash"!

Boat cradle cable!

Low tide!

Christmas tree!

Crane front!

Old crane with boat trailer on it!

Looking up the boom!

Pier at Bickfords Marina!

Molly at Niles Beach!

Late afternoon sky!

Hole in the sky!

Sun dance!

Rays of sunshine!

1 comment:

  1. Frank3:54 AM

    Great pics Jay let us know if you got the job. good luck!!
