Friday, November 06, 2009

No Theme...Just Out and About !

I try to think up a theme for every post but this time I was stumped. This is a collection of images from the past few days plus one image I took several years ago that I just discovered lurking in a wayward file. Since it was taken the same time of year, I figured to go ahead and use it here.

"Old Glory" and City Hall!

The Tony Gentile Band Stand!

Fishing vessel "Plan-B"!

From 2006.... "Changing Colors"!

Thacher Island and a jump ropper!

Jumping rope!

"Capt. Novello" heading back to the dock!

"Capt. Novello" dragging off Good Harbor Beach!

Harbor oiler "Captain Dave"!

"Padre Pio" ready to tie up!

Fuel up time!

"Western Venture"!

"Western Venture" off Bass Rocks!

Buswells Pond!

Chain embedded into a tree trunk!

Looking through the trees!

Still looking through the trees!


  1. I really enjoy these everyday shots of Gloucester. It's been too long since I've visited.

    The woman jump roping surely realizes the wonderful view she has.

    Thank you Jay for the kind words for my mom. She's recovering well from the surgery and may even go home today. I'm off to the hospital shortly to find out.


  2. Wow...that's amazing! Tell Mom I could use help in the Spring painting the bottom of my boat!

  3. The light in those Western Venture shots is just beautiful.
