Thursday, October 01, 2009

A Look Into the Rear View Mirror!

The summer was a busy one,the weather didn't start out great but with all that went on it was interesting to say the least!
These again are images that never fit a theme when I was taking them but do reflect on the summer we had.

Bridge traffic on Essex Avenue!

The city at night!

St. Peter's Fiesta from Rocky Neck!

Smiths Cove at dusk!

Again Smiths Cove at dusk!

Eastern Point from Cressy's Beach!

Fog bank creeps in!

Good Harbor Beach Creek!

Good Harbor Beach with a rough surf!

Kids and gulls!

Gull coming in for a landing!

Dory trials!

Inside a racing dory!

Blackburn Challenge!


Greasy Pole walkers!

Singing the national anthem!

Sunday winner!

"Thomas E. Lannon" and Paint Factory!

"Lannon" in Harbor Cove!

Great water view!

Wingaersheek Beach!


  1. Frank7:52 AM

    Very nice way to sum up the summer

  2. Actually Frank this post didn't start out that way.I had no theme in mind as I assembled the images. The photos themselves told the story. Three images are in early Spring,"Bridge traffic on Essex Avenue","Eastern Point" and "Great water view".

  3. Anonymous4:15 PM

    How are you feeling Jay ????

    Great pics....

    Kathy :)

  4. Alot better Kath thanks! It's still got me but I'm able to sleep now.
