Gloucester has been known for it's fishing industry and over the years manufacturing of all types has taken hold here. Cape Ann Brewing Company has been established and now a maker of fine spirits. Bob Ryan and Dave Wood got together and started a dream. Ryan & Wood Distilleries,Inc. is now in the process of making that dream come true. Today I was given a tour of the operation by Bob and if his enthusiasm is any indication how well this venture will do.... then it's full steam ahead! The local flavor is evident,the product names reflect the area "Beauport Vodka", "Knockabout Gin" and soon to be released after a six month aging process "Folly Cove Rum".
Even the fermentation tanks are named after local schooners!
The Spirit of Cape Ann label!
Got to have the car graphics!
Bottles on display!
German made 600 liter alembic copper pot still!
Cleaning the still!
High pressure internal water jets clean still!
Alcohol tanks!
Barrels of rum!
Cut-a-way barrel!
Fermentation tanks!
Process table!
Beauport Vodka bottle!
Beauport Vodka bottles waiting to be filled!
Farmers Distillers License!
Yum. Gonna have to look for that Knockabout.... Nothing like a well-made gin (shaken not stirred).
ReplyDeleteI'm not a drinker but that is some operation they have! Looks like an expensive investment too. Hopefully the business will be successful.
ReplyDeleteWhat impressed me is it appears they are doing the right thing. Perfect the product,get the product into local establishments and maintain a managable output.
ReplyDeleteThere was even a thought process in selecting the bottles. They would have loved to buy bottles in the US but most bottle companies are geared to the beer market.Creating bottles for Ryan & Wood would reguire an expensive re-tooling that would be quanity prohibitive. China and Mexico were another option but the quality would suffer. They settled with a company from France.