Raf's Bait Wagon!

Stage Fort Park Bandstand!

Pavilion Beach!

Joe "Hot Dog"!

Flags of the Boulevard!

Lobster Boat "Jennie C." hauls pots!

Lobster boat "Gemadusu" works outside breakwater!

Lobster boat "Black Pearl" works outer harbor!

Peter and Joanne Souza of the schooner "Adventure" rehearse sea chanties!

Schooner "Adventure" Banks dory!

Two dories!

Schooner masts!

Schooner "Thomas E. Lannon" bowsprit!

Schooner "Thomas E. Lannon"!

"Thomas E. Lannon" and "Picton Castle"!

Jay, I was in Gloucester, on the water, a good part of the day yesterday (Friday) so now all yours and Steve's pictures are familiar to me. It was so exciting to finally see everything first hand! Wonderful area.
ReplyDeleteI took hundreds of photo's, many of which were of poor quality but when your on a boat that's how it is, as I'm sure you know. I have a whole new appreciation for what I see on your blog now.
Funny thing. My friend was telling me about the bait guy who sits up in town by the gas station. What do you know it's the first thing I see on your blog today!
Try being at the helm and shooting! I'm glad you made it here...and on a good weather day too! I was taking some photos for the new Gloucester tourism web site and Raf's Bait Wagon was on the list along with "Hot Dog" Joe.
ReplyDeleteI wanna see some of your photos!
That's great that you get to work for the tourism site!
ReplyDeleteLast night the boat kept rocking, all...night...long. I could hardly sleep. I was completely exhausted after 4 1/2 hours on the ocean. Today is much better but I haven't had time to post any photos on my blog. I'm looking forward to coming back to Gloucester but going into town and walking around. It will definitely be on a week day morning though!
By the way, my friends were staying on Ferry Street, out by the 128 bridge.
Did you get a chance to go through the Annisquam River? Great wildlife and other sights along the way. You are welcomed to go on my boat sometime...but you must have your camera! And the rocking is kept to a minimum. What size/type of boat were you on?
ReplyDeleteWe did go up through the Annisquam, past whatchamacallit beach (sorry, I can't recall the name of it), and back out into the ocean. We didn't go far before it started to get a bit rough so we turned around and went back to the house. By then everyone was feeling a little pooped anyway and it was almost time to head home.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the offer! Who knows, maybe some day I'll be able to take you up on it! As for the type of boat or how many ft long it is, I don't know, but it had 2 seats in the back next to the engine, a drivers and passengers chair, and the V up front for 2-3 more people. A typical small fishing boat. My daughter was rather nervous out by the lighthouses. We survived though.
I thought the big pole out there was really interesting. We were amazed how shallow the water was in places. We even saw a boat from Portsmouth NH!
Wingaersheek Beach! And yup the water does get shallow in places. The channel is suppose to be kept @ 8' during low tide but the sands shoal up in places often. Sounds like you were in a "bowrider" about 20'-24' in length. On a clear day from the Ipswich Bay end of the Annisquam River you can see the New Hampshire & Maine coastlines!