Wednesday, April 22, 2009

On-No....lost my computer!

It got me....a virus. Sunday night all computer functions ceased.In the meantime it's in the shop while my niece allowed me to borrow her laptop computer to type this. Hopefully if everything goes allright I'll be back on in a day or two.

On Sunday April 26 @ 1:00pm I'll present my full You Tube version of "My views of Gloucester"(Check it out in my links section) at the Gloucester Guerilla Art Project at the Cape Ann Community Cinema.
Come on down and say hi!


  1. Been there! Good luck getting everything taken care of. It's hard to go without a computer these days. Luckily we have 3! lol!

  2. Thanks Sharon! Though this laptop is nice,it's tough to get used to. Luckily I'm able to plug in my mouse,otherwise I'm all thumbs with the touch pad!My wife took the tower to work,their computer guy fixes computers at home and I'm hoping I'll get it back in the morning.When my father-in-law's computer crashed he was able to fix that.... so I'm hopeful.

  3. Jay, I use a laptop too but I plug in my mouse. The touch pad is too difficult to get used too. Maybe you have an extra mouse kickin' around?
