Thursday, April 09, 2009

Life & Death Along the Waterfront !

Good Harbor Beach,Harbor Cove and Pirates Lane. It was sad to see a full grown harbor seal dead. There are lacerations arounds it's neck area, possibly from a propeller strike.And I did report it to the New England Aquarium. Such is life along the waterfront.


  1. Awwww, that's so sad!

  2. Anonymous11:49 AM

    So sad !!!!

    Happy Easter Jay,
    Kathy :)

    ps how is Molly doing ???

  3. Molly is doing great now,back to her old self ! Thanks for asking and Happy Easter too!

  4. Hi Jay,
    Love your photos. I check them everyday.It was nice to meet you at the Russo Fundraiser at the Theatre.

    It's sad to see a fellow mammal meet it's end.
    I Love the last picture of the pilings it looks like a painting. Great Job!
    I started a blog for my Artwork and Photos and have some pictures of Seals lounging on the rocks off Cressy's Beach a few weeks ago.
    You can check them out here
    I also put a link to your site there.
    Take Care, Paul

  5. Maybe the Marboro Cigs did him in..?

  6. Thanks Paul,That last "pic" I added later. Originally it was over-exposed,I had the wrong setting on the camera. Later I added a "glow" feature to it then adjusted the brightness & contrast.
    I'm also going to add your link in my links section.
