Friday, March 13, 2009

For You Boaters Out There!

This is the time of year seasonal boaters start to make plans on the upcoming season.I thought a few "pics" from past summers would put a few of us into the spirit. I know I'm itching to be on the water!


  1. What an interesting aray of boats, Jay. I think my favorite was the Penguin. Very 4th of July feel.

    That speed boat, two shots below the Penguin is really something! I'd be nervous riding in that. Can't imagine how much it must have cost!

    I found the Attack Boat very interesting too. Before you know it, it will be boating season once again.

  2. So what's the story about the attack boat? Ominous, to say the least.

  3. Know one knows the story of the attack boat! There were actually three of them heading out that day. Some say it was the Secret Service on some kind of training exercise.No one on board had and standard uniforms but were all wearing bullet proof vests!

  4. Maybe Bush 41's staff are getting new boats. His Secret Service escort has seemed to be a bit handicapped in their big black Zodiac. This looks a lot more appropriate to the task!
