Over the last few years I've managed to capture a bunch of sunsets. I actually call them "shows". Whenever I witness a sunset it seems as if the sun has sped up from it's daily journey across the sky. Lower she goes in an ever changing light. And what's neat about a sunset....no two are alike!
Great shots: the top one with the gull is an award winner. It's a good time to get sunsets with it getting darker sooner ... at least it is down here in Florida. The sun sets faster down here because the earth is spinning faster near the equator. That give you an advantage: you blink here and you can miss it.
ReplyDeleteYou have a great posting here. Sometimes one just doesn't know when to put the camera back in the bag because it keeps getting better and better then is done. We are lucky to get sunrises and sunsets. In Colorado, the sun went down behind the mountains before any color could develope.