Saturday, November 01, 2008

Annisquam,Folly Cove & Rockport !

Went for a little drive today and headed to Annisquam then to Rockport to check out the colors.As I drove back to Gloucester via Thatcher Road the sky thickened up with clouds and I headed home.


  1. Beautiful pictures! I love the foot bridge, and the colors this fall are the best we've seen in years. Great how you caught that couple enjoying a cup of coffee and a quiet moment together : )

    Everything is SO New England as you would expect it to be.


  2. Either Gloucester is the most scenic place that I've ever seen ... or you are a really good photographer. I think it's a combination.

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Great photos, Jay. I like to sneek over to the other side of the Island for some shots. Lots of great scenery. The colors are still hanging on!

  4. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Great job as usual Jay.
