Sunday, August 03, 2008

I got a secret !

Can you keep a secret? I hope so 'cause not all the pictures I take are as perfect as I want them. Being on a moving boat,rocking side to side or pounding the waves present numerous problems. Mis-alignment...out of focus....over exposure to name a few. Many pictures I post, the subject ends up in the corner of the frame or atop of it or even sometimes my bimini framework gets in the way.It takes editing magic at home to correct many of these flaws.Then I have to decide if I should pan back or use a close-up....that all depends on what will stay in focus,I hate anything out of focus! Here's some of those photos that I wasn't happy with.A few of them "cleaned-up" enough to be acceptable to me,others....close.

1 comment:

  1. You do great work, Jay. And it will show up well in my current project soon.
