Thursday, May 01, 2008

May is here!

With the month of May now on the table it's time to think Summer! I wonder what this season will bring? Gas prices sky rocketing it's gonna be a challenge to get out onto the water. Signs of a slow boating season are in the want ads. Used power boats for sale is saturating the market.In the meantime I gotta get off my duff and start prepping mine. Last week it's winter cacoon was removed,interior washed and bimini and side curtains installed. The grunt work is yet to begin....painting the bottom! A necessary chore to prohibit marine growth.Using an ablative paint will keep those miliage robbing barnicals and gunk from sticking to the hull.Timing is the key,an ablative paint is a soft paint.Run the boat and anything clinging to it washes away.The trick is to launch the boat 16-24 hours after painting.Allowing the paint to be exposed to air any longer will harden the surface and loose it's affectivness.A no rain weekend and if possible temps at least in the 60's is what I'm hoping for....we'll see.
Anywho,time to look at summer's past:

1 comment:

  1. Your Greasy Pole Photos are the best ever! Congrats!!!
