Monday, September 28, 2020

Late September!

 The week started with offshore Hurricane Teddy sending high tides and high surf our way but no heavy winds or rain.

The Breakwater at work!

Lobster boat heads out.
Breakers over the breakwater.
Schooner Roseway
Another look.
Small boat beyond the breakwater.
Harbormaster flies by.
Relaxing on a grey cool day.
Beast of Burden
Midnight Sun
Wrapped up Adventure.
Boats at rest.
Topsail Schooner Lynx at the Paint Factory.
Late September beach crowd.
Dozens of surfers!
"The House"
Strolling the beach.
Allie looking for dog walkers.
Down on the Boulevard.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Smokey Haze and Then Some!

 Western wildfire smoke made its way to here giving a natural filter for the sun.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Mid September Randomness!

 I got writers block, my mind is on football which is my Covid-19 therapy. A crazy year for sure where all of us have been thrown off our routine. My Patriots are back and at least they won on opening day. A different feel without Tom Brady at the helm but added dimensions with Cam Newton running the show.

Late afternoon busy view.

Derelict wharf on Harbor Cove.
The derrick at Beacon Marine.
Fishermen's Memorial 
Labor Day football game( I think) on Good Harbor Beach.
Labor Day late afternoon crowd.
Low tide expanse.
Hanging around and surfing.
"The House"
Foggy beach.
The sun sets at Niles Beach.
From Niles Beach.
The UU Church at dusk.
Fishermen's Memorial at sunset.

Monday, September 07, 2020

Morning views!

 Good Harbor Beach

City Hall at daybreak.
The next morning.
Further back.
Way back.
Gull on watch.
Our Lady of Good Voyage Church behind a sea of brick.
Further back.
The sun tries to arrive!
The UU Church.
Wealth and work!

Dory crew head out of Harbor Cove.
Lone dory in the outer harbor.
Hauling lobster pots.
The Hammond estate.