Monday, June 29, 2020

No St. Peter's Fiesta This Year!

With Covid-19 here local events like the St. Peter's Fiesta will have to wait until next year. But a strange weather event has been going on over this weekend. T-storms popping up all over New England giving relief during this drought except for Cape Ann! It appears no one told Mother Nature that the Fiesta was called off this year as she held back the rain! However as I type( 6/29/20 @ 00:21) rain is finally falling!

I had to replenish my koi pond with water from a brook behind my house!
 "Trump" goes down Fiesta 2019!
 Fiesta 2019!
 Dottie the masked dog at Good Harbor Beach!
 Trash at the footbridge.
 A simple shrine 2020.
 Crazy Clouds over Gloucester.
 Taken from Pilots Hill.
 A little closer.
 Our Lady of Good Voyage
 City Hall
 Boobnimbus cloud!
 Rainbow across the street!
 Dragon cloud over the wind turbines!

Monday, June 22, 2020

Just Look Around, Not All Is Bad!

When I head home from work I always take a spin by Good Harbor Beach. Saturday morning I was appalled of what I saw, a large heap of trash by the footbridge. Here in Gloucester we have the "Carry In/Carry Out policy at city beaches and parks. It was a way to defeat the ever hungry seagulls from spreading trash from trash barrels. I guess human behavior has lowered to that of seagulls! My first thought is to the close the beaches but the best I can do is document what was done and hope word gets out this is unacceptable.
 Meantime with events like the International Dory Races and St. Peter's Fiesta cancelled we still can take in our beautiful surroundings.

No  Excuse!

 Hammond Estate
 F./V Endeavour steams out of the fog bank with a catch of squid.
 Lone walker among the gulls.
 Gloucester City Hall.
 St. Ann's Church
 The "UU Church"
 Our Lady of Good Voyage Church
 Gloucester under billowing clouds!
 Sunday at the footbridge.
 Low tide
 Looks packed but they are spaced out.
 Crossing the creek!

 Playing on the rocks.
 Lone umbrella!
 Sitting along the creek.

Monday, June 15, 2020

A Place In Time!

It's funny how the same subject can take on a different look or different meaning even if taken only moments apart. That's my first thought when going through these images.

Morning fog descends over Commercial Street!
 Looking up Chapel Street.
 A common problem while sleeping during the day, loud tree removal!
 Daybreak over Harbor Cove.

 Good Harbor Beach in the morning.
 Outer harbor.

 Ten Pound Island.
 Sunday June 14th was "Flag Day"!