Monday, November 28, 2016

Time To Get Together!

Thanksgiving 2016 as the traditions continue. For me it's always began in the morning for the traditional Turkey Day Game. It began as an infant when my dad would take me to the Gloucester classic. But since I coached Manchester beginning in 1982 and retiring in 2002 I've been going to the Hornet/Royal classic more as a traditional get together with all my former players and coaches. This year the Hornets were on the very short end of a 35-0 loss to the rival Georgetown Royals.

Coin toss.
 The crowd.
 Closing in.
 Take down.
 A Turkey Day get together!
 Reaching out.
 Time out.
 Taking down "Wilson"!
 Good defense can't prevent a great grab!
 Game over.
 Retired Head Football Coach Fran York presenting the Turkey Day Trophy.
 Hoisting the trophy.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Graveyard of the Atlantic ?

It sure feels like it with two vessels running up on Niles Beach! Last week the fishing vessel Blue Ocean broke away from its mooring while this Sunday the same happened to a work barge. Saturday morning a salvage crew attempted to float the Blue Ocean but when I went by Saturday night she was still there only now leaning on her port side. Now there are two on the beach!

Blue Ocean off Niles Beach
 Salvage attempt begins.
 Taking pictures.
 Setting anchor.
 "Walking" on water!
 Damaged pilot house.
 Hanging on!
 Sitting on the gunnel.
 Now resting on her port side.
 Beached barge.
 Beached barge under a low ceiling.
 The city on a rainy night.

Monday, November 14, 2016

A Swearing In and a Grounding!

This past week my niece Kelly Gossom was sworn in as a Gloucester Police officer along with others.
Gloucester Police:     Alex Aiello, Michal Cimoszko, David D'Angelo, Jared Foote, Keith Gaudenzi, William Kendall, Jr, Robert Morrissey and Richard Tucker.

Promotion to Interim Chief John McCarthy

Gloucester Fire:     David Barret, Paramedic
Promotion to Captain    Jamie Santos
Promotion to Lieutenant   James Burke, William Doucette, Jr. and Nicholas Ouellette

And finally last Thursday under high winds the 53' eastern rigged fishing vessel "Blue Ocean" parted from its mooring grounding off Niles Beach.

Blue line
 Gloucester Fire
 Kelly being sworn in.
 Interim Police Chief John McCarthy
 Kelly with mom and dad.
 Kelly with Nana and Papa.
 Kelly with the Campbell family.
 Kelly and Richard Tucker

 Blue Ocean aground.
 Port side.
 Off Niles Beach.
 A photographer shoots from the sand!
 Low tide
 Starboard view
 Just off the beach.
 Photographing the wreck.
 Boston in the distance.

Monday, November 07, 2016

Election Free Zone!

Anything you turn on or open up has a barrage of negative political adds and interviews which if you add them up collectively no one is mature and diplomatic enough to hold office! So I created this post without political input of any kind of sunrise and sunset shots from the past week.

Good Harbor Beach
 Shooting Thacher Island in solitude.
 Low tide
 Fire in the sky and water!
 Moments later.
 From under the footbridge.
 Zoomed in.
 "The House"
 USCG Buoy Tender Marcus Hanna heading back to S. Portland, Maine.
 Moving along.
A picture taker.
 A sliver of sunset light reflects off the stern of this lobster boat!
 The sun has set.
 From Pilot's Hill
 Looking towards the city.
 Last gasp of light!