Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Greasy Pole 2009 Slideshow Collection!

This is a collection of Friday,Saturday and Sunday's Greasy Pole contests that I slapped together.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Championship Day at the Greasy Pole & Seine Boats !

For Sunday's festivities I headed down to the beach. High tide and a big crowd resulted in wet feet and bumping into people I hadn't seen in years. With many more photos to go here's today's fun!

Greasy Pole ...Saturday !

What a day,the harbor was packed with boats as the crowds filled the beach. I headed out around 3:15 and couldn't find a place to anchor ! Myself along with talented photographer Mark Teiwes "rafted up" to a string of boats just outside the pole. We had to jump from boat to boat to get a better view and I'm telling you my knees and back is killing me! My biggest regret is that I was moving to get a better view when the flag was taken. I got the shot but it was too blury. Anyway I took so many photos I'll post the rest along with a controversy later on.