Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Debate !

There's been alot of debate about the future of Gloucester harbor during the past year. Some would like it to remain primarily as it is,reserved for commercial fishing while others see a mix use between recreational & commercial.As the fishing industry today struggles on and less fishing boats call Gloucester home, a look back in history can help the debate.Back in the early 1960's the harbor was home to over 400 fishing vessels. At times of holidays such as Christmas and the St. Peter's Fiesta just about every available dock space was occupied by fishing boats rafted up to as many as 5 or more!You could almost jump from boat to boat and make it at least half way around the harbor!Back in those days the harbor was home to many more recreational boats than there is today!Bickford Marina on Rocky Neck had slips for hundreds of boats.Their floats stretched out into Smith's Cove as far as the Studio restaurant! Over in Cripple Cove the marina there had at least twice as many boats as there are today! But now zoning restrictions have limited the available dockage. This boosts the prices of dockage and shuts out many local citizens from the use of their own harbor!Waiting lists are in the decades for moorings and slips. History says that both commercial and pleasure interests can co-exist. Re-writing exsisting restrictions can and will help make Gloucester harbor grow and thrive. And if done right,maintain it's artistic and economic strengths!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

More Harbor Sights !

You might think all I do when on the water is take pictures.That's not really the case,sometimes I pick a spot offshore or in the outer harbor and just watch the gulls ,waves and boats go by.During these times I usually drop a line overboard and listen to the radio with cell phone turned off.Or I may tidy up the boat,put things in order like coiling the lines.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Harbor is Buzzing!

Activity around the harbor is certainly in high gear. From kids walking the Greasy pole dreaming of the day they capture the flag before thousands to fishermen working on their vessels. Deep sea charters are full as is the whale watch boats. And the schooner "Thomas E. Lannon" is showing the tourists how it was in the day of sail.Pleasure boats are heading in every direction and my cousin Kyle plays with his new toy.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Sea what I saw !

It started out as a nice day. Heading to the boat I glanced across the harbor and saw a bright reflection from the top of the city hall tower! New copper being installed peaking through the scaffolding!Then a sight I thought I'd never see,"Samay" offshore! I headed out about 3 miles offshore and started drift fishing.After about an hour I snagged my prop...not good! As I was trying to untangle the mess the fog swept in! In a blink of an eye it surrounded me.I headed back in and the fog lifted!